Daughters of Zion Ministries

Life Ministries, Incorporated Meet our Presiding Prelate Meet our Assistant Pastor Faith Covenant Partners Daughters of Zion Ministries Life Ministries, Inc.'s Upcoming Events Ministry Contact Information Educational Ministry Life Gathering 2006

A Message from our Founder, Elder Charece D. Varnish

Hallelujah! God has truly been dealing with me about my purpose in ministry. While in prayer at work, God showed me that I have a special anointing for his young daughters. He has anointed me to minister to many females, single women especially! Through God, this ministry will help tear down Satan's kingdom. The anointing God has placed in my belly is anointed to restore and equip the God-given, natural, and spiritual beauty that has been maliciously covered in his daughters. There is something very special about you. Why God chose you to be exactly the way you are? Why you go through certain things? Why the enemy is always attacking you in that certain area? Why you could never do everything your girlfriend do? Why in some groups you feel out of place? Why is the question and Jesus is the answer! It is not about the curves of your body, the balance of your hair, the cost of your clothes or car, but it is about the treasure that is hidden on the inside that you do not know about! Yes, you, the one with the filty past! God has something special for you despite of your past! No matter how many times you mess up or stray away! As Paul wrote to Rome, "All things work together for the good of them that love the Lord, and are called according to his purpose." Yes you are called! It may not be to preach, teach, or sing, but you are called to do something. Let us find out together what our hidden treasures are, our real beauty - inner beauty, for we shall be called, "Daughters of Zion."

Zechariah 2:8b, 10

"for he that toucheth you, toucheth the apple of His eye...sing and rejoice, o daughter of Zion: for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the Lord."

Our Goal as a Women's Ministry

Our ministry is designed especially for women that desire to grow in the knowledge of God and His word, seeking total salvation and complete wholeness in Him.

Daughters of Zion & Seed of Abraham Ministries fellowshipping over dinner as a corporate body

Daughters of Zion Ministries began in Aiken, SC on the campus of the University of South Carolina-Aiken. Elder Charece D. Varnish founded this women's ministry in the year of 2003 with the purpose of ministering to the total mind, body, and spirit through teaching and learning how to glorify, praise, and worship God in every aspect of women's lives.